
BotKube is a messaging bot for monitoring and debugging Kubernetes clusters. It's built and maintained with by InfraCloud

BotKube can be integrated with multiple messaging platforms like - Slack, Mattermost, Microsoft Teams to help you monitor your Kubernetes cluster(s), debug critical deployments and gives recommendations for standard practices by running checks on the Kubernetes resources.

What can BotKube do?


  • BotKube watches Kubernetes resources and sends a notification to the channel if any event occurs for example a ImagePullBackOff error.
  • You can customize the objects and level of events you want to get from Kubernetes cluster.
  • You can turn on/off notifications simply by sending a message to @BotKube


  • BotKube watches Kubernetes resources and sends a notification to the channel if any event occurs for example a ImagePullBackOff error.
  • You can customize the objects and level of events you want to get from Kubernetes cluster.
  • You can turn on/off notifications simply by sending a message to @BotKube


  • BotKube can execute kubectl commands on Kubernetes cluster without giving access to Kubeconfig or underlying infrastructure.
  • With BotKube you can debug your deployment, services or anything about your cluster right from your messaging window ;)
  • BotKube can talk to multiple clusters, you just need to deploy BotKube backend in each cluster with the same token. That's it!


  • BotKube can execute kubectl commands on Kubernetes cluster without giving access to Kubeconfig or underlying infrastructure.
  • With BotKube you can debug your deployment, services or anything about your cluster right from your messaging window ;)
  • BotKube can talk to multiple clusters, you just need to deploy BotKube backend in each cluster with the same token. That's it!

Run Checks

  • Some checks are built in but you can define and add additional checks for specific resources or events.
  • Filters allow you to do more things for a specific event - such as adding a new message.



The backend for the BotKube app runs in your Kubernetes cluster - thus you have complete control on your data and software.

Execute kubectl commands

Same old Kubectl syntax - just a new interface. You do not have to learn anything new! Plus you can configure which Kubectl commands BotKube can executes. See configuration for details.

Support for multiple interfaces

Like Slack, BotKube can also be integrated with Mattermost, Microsoft Teams, ElasticSearch and outgoing webhook. See configuration syntax for details.

Supports Custom Resources

BotKube can monitor literally any Kubernetes resource including Custom Resource. This enables you to configure alerts on some interesting events like - certificate issue/expiry if you are using cert-manager or backup failure in case you are using backup tools like Velero or Kanister.

Debug Anywhere, Anytime

With @BotKube you can monitor and debug Kubernetes deployments from anywhere. Even while you are camping without a laptop, you can use Slack, Mattermost or MS Teams mobile app and get crucial information.

Easy to configure

Get notifications about things that you really care for. You can configure events or objects or namespaces that you want to be informed about.

Deploy on any Kubernetes cluster

You can deploy BotKube backend on any Kubernetes cluster, whether it is Minikube or cloud managed Kubernetes or anything in between.

Add custom filters

It is very easy to write your own filters and registering them to FilterEngine. Follow this guide to know more.


By default BotKube uses a READONLY service account, you can customize this to your needs.

Open source

BotKube backend is open source and we welcome your requirements and contributions.

An open source project by InfraCloud